Lessons from Jallianwala Bagh

Update: 2019-04-11 23:46 IST

Every year April 13 the Sikh community celebrates their harvest festival Baisakhi. This day also marks the massacre of 379 people includes men, women and children and some 1200 injured under the order of Col Reginald Dyer.

The officer had the audacity to accept the crime before in front of Enquiry Commission. This 13th April marks the 100th year of this worst kind killing in the British and Indian history.


Though the present Britain's PM Theresa May has accepted that it is shameful scar on British government and the opposition leader over their wanted an unconditional apology to remove the scar.

It is however, at least the Conservative MP Bob Blackman opening the debate with strong sentiment of shame when he called upon the British government to aplogise and said "General Dyer was vigorously defended by - I say this with shame - the conservative party, as well as most of the military .

After Independence India has witnessed massacre (may be not of the same scale) the worst being 1984, Babri, Gujarat riots etc.

However, our leaders had not shown the courage to apologise rather they continue to blame each other.

N Nagarajan, Hyderabad



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