MyVoice: Views of our readers 10th June 2021

Update: 2021-06-10 06:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 3rd September 2021

'Yajnam' is an evergreen masterpiece

Ka Ra's 'Yagnam' (gramatically, Yajnam is appropriate) as elaborated in the 'Moot Point' still ignites thought-provoking process and as the writer Suravajjula felt it is still relevant. Sitaramudu's extreme step of killing his son should not have happened, rather revolt could have happened as did happen in many such feuds here and in Telangana. Debt trap is not only by land but employees are in lenders' trap and cheques, documents and ATM cards also are in the lender's grip and at their mercy the bonds empoloyee gets a paltry rum barely for grains and when this ends is revolt again. In tribal areas Girijans' life is better than elsewhere, thanks to ITDA, NGOs. Ka Ra like igniters deserve a salute no matter how inexcusable Sitaramudu's helplessnss is while sacrificing his son.


Dr T Ramadas, Visakhapatnam

Restore old OU logo

The present TRS Govt. removed the Urdu and Arabic writings from the logo of Osmania University along with Urdu name the university. Is this the love and respect being shown towards the Nizam Mir Osman Ali, the founder of the OU, which the CM of Telangana uttered on many occasions ? Is it the secularism chanted by the government on different ceremony to just please the minority, Muslims in particular ? Many Osmanians, Urdu lovers and the kin of Nizam's family have been agitating through newspapers since beginning but the decision has not been revoked yet. Once again being an Urdu lover and Osmanian I appeal to the Hon.CM of Telangana to restore the logo as it was earlier.

S M Arif Hussain, Hyderabad

Let's unite to make India Covid free!

It has been almost a year that the world has been co existing with the Corona virus. India has been able to curtail the appalling pandemic during its first wave. As more priority inclined towards the election campaign, the Union government couldn't take proactive measures to inhibit the catastrophe from expanding its wings of disaster during its second wave but the generators of vaccination have taken up the task of immunising the citizens in every individual state and union government.

Though there has been a paucity in production of vaccine, the Pharma giants like Bharat Biotech and Serum institute of India have pulled up their socks in the hour of need and are been able to deliver the vaccines to the primary health care centres and government or private medical centres. We need to applaud the Indian brain child behind such vaccine formula and the unprecedented efforts of the medical community.

India will soon witness every citizen immunised completely and be a Covid-free country. The only factor which pillars such a scenario is a mindset which accepts vaccination with an open and free will. Let's all give a combined effort in this achievement throughout the country.

Madhulika N, Hyderabad

Opposition and vaccine

Even after the government has decided to procure 75% of vaccines, leaving 25% for private hospitals, the opposition continues to do politics on vaccines. After the announcement of PM, Rahul Gandhi asked on Twitter — If vaccines are free for all, why should private hospitals charge for them? Can't he simply understand that if one wants to pay for the vaccines, he/she can go for being vaccinated in private hospitals? If they are not willing to do so the government will inoculate them "free of cost". This doesn't mean that vaccination is not free in India.

Kartikey Upadhyay, Vadodara

Action on war footing

This refers to "Population Criterion For vax Allocation" (THI 9 June). It seems when the Centre first began procurement and distribution of vaccines, it has not followed the population criteria of the age group and density of such groups while distributing vaccines. On distribution, age-group density should always be the policy of any sensible government. Moreover, earlier the central government simply went on claiming that enough stocks have been sent. However, this time, the Centre should be more transparent and publish a vaccine tracker showing the number sent, used by states, wastage, and balance available.

This would help to monitor the vaccination management instead of simply claiming that states have not managed the vaccination program well. In fact, this would also help the people not panic about availability. Transparency would end once for all the blame game as it happened in the beginning. The Centre and state together should now on focus only vaccination and keep politics far away,until mission vaccination is achieved.

N Nagarajan, Hyderabad



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