MyVoice: Views of our readers 13th November 2020

Update: 2020-11-13 00:48 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 20th November 2020

Festival feelings

In these dark times

Of corona virus

When the whole humanity

Is in the fatal grip

Of lurking fear

Of the haunting virus,

Festivals come unnoticed,

Festivals go uncelebrated,

But Deepavali comes

Hailed to be celebrated

With its festive splendour

And radiant charm,

For it's the festival of lights

That,with rows of lamps


In all homes, dispels

All gloom, brightening all lives,

Bringing smiles to the visages

Of people of all ages,

Deepavali celebrates

The triumph of light

Over the dark,

The victory of the good

Over the evil;

Let's all come out

Of gloom, fear, negativity

And pessimism

And light the lamps

Of hope, positivity

And fortitude to drive away

The murk enveloping

Human lives plagued

By the pandemic

With firm, unshakable

Faith in the power

And grace of the divine,

May this Deepavali

Usher in the radiance

Of happiness,peace

And prosperity into all lives!

Dr Venugopala Rao Kaki, Kakinada

Supreme Court and Arnab Goswami case

In the issue of interim bail to Arnab Goswami, editor in chief, Republic TV, there are two things which need serious concern by all. One is-conflict of interests within the law pursuits, especially Judges. And the other is the indiscrimination in applicability of law for all the citizens.

It is unfortunate that Supreme Court remarks on High Court of Maharashtra were more or less a castigation. There was clear division in the opinions of High court and Supreme Court. This belittles the sanctity of law and justice in India. Judiciary must never become part of executive.

Home minister, a constitutional authority came on to media and openly opposed the action by another constitutional body, Maharashtra police. How far it is desirable? Home Minister's stand is vindicated by SC judgment! One thing must be kept in mind that Arnab Goswami is neither a famous politician nor a most wanted criminal. He was arrested as a normal person not as a journalist. Hence special consideration to him paved way for genuine questions.

Dushyant Dave, President, Bar Association of Supreme Court, has rightly pointed out on the procedure followed by the Registrar, Supreme Court of India, in allowing Arnab Goswami bail petition on an urgent basis. Dave specifically mentioned about several other cases which are awaiting the Registrar's nod for listing in the same court.

For example; Stan Swamy, Dalit rights activist, 84- year-old, who was arrested in Bhima Koregaon case made an appeal to court seeking a direction to jail authorities to provide him a straw to sip water and liquid food as he was a patient of Parkinson disease and unable to hold the glass or plate with shaking hands. But court sought one month time. Hence equality before law as per Article 14 of our constitution must be upheld by supreme court first.

G Thirupathaiah, Hyderabad

The Supreme Court on Wednesday granted interim bail to Republic TV Editor-in-chief who was arrested last week by Alibaug police in connection with an abetment to suicide case. Earlier he was denied bail by the Bombay High Court. The Apex Court in its ruling said that the personal liberties of citizens and the duty of the constitutional courts to protect them from whimsical individual caprices and arbitrary state action."The high court erred in rejecting the bail application for grant of interim bail to Arnab Goswami", the Supreme Court said.

In fact the High Court should have exercised their jurisdiction to personal liberty of citizens. Arnab's arrest has also divided opinion, with many alleging it was politically motivated. It is a glaring case of deprivation of personal liberty as per Apex Court order. Mr Arnab Goswami is a polarising figure whose contentious broadcasts have earned him loyal viewers. In recent months, he was particularly critical of Mumbai police over their handling of the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. He often accused them of being lenient in their investigation into the star's suicide. His criticism also often extended to the Maharashtra government, which is run by a coalition headed by Shiv Sena.

In a democratic country sarcasm should not be met by arrests and jail. Neither should broadcast of such events should be treated as criminal offence. Draconian laws stifle the freedom of expression. But the problem cannot be addressed by curbing the freedom of mainstream media to report on such events.

As in ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan's case, Supreme Court can make police and governments pay hefty compensation for unlawful arrests and demand action against erring cops. Courts are the first line of defence of individual liberties and they should carefully scrutinise police claims and protect citizens right in any meaningful manner. The state's power of arrest is a law and order tool to be exercised with the greatest circumspection.

Kodihalli S Rao, Thane



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