MyVoice: Views of our readers 18th November 2021

Update: 2021-11-25 02:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 24th December 2021

Rampage at GHMC HQ

The action of BJP corporators and their henchmen in resorting to violence is condemnable. It is at the same time intriguing as to why the general body of GHMC has not convened the meeting, duly giving scope for the former to get belligerent. The fact remains that even if provoked, no one should take violence as a solution to problems. Keeping the communication channel open and polite would solve many a problem but it is the pseudo ego leads to such avoidable aberrations. The moot point is who will pay for the damage?


D Nagarjuna, Hyderabad

Overpricing EVs is strategic?

At present, the Central government has the power to fix the basic prices of fossil fuels. What will be the situation when the responsibility for last-mile delivery of energy to vehicles falls on the States? There is no guarantee they will be able to cope with the logistical implications of such a shift. The power of a mid-size electric car's battery is about a hundred times that of an MPV driven on fossil fuel. So how will the manufacturers keep the dealers, who currently earn a substantial part of their income from the servicing of vehicles and the sale of spare parts, happy? And they too, would not like to lose the income from the sale of spare parts. Obviously, they will price EVs high and allow the dealers to take a cut.

Sundar Subramaniam, Bengaluru

Digital woes hit poor students

The Supreme Court judgment deciding an IIT Mumbai seat for Prince, a Dalit applicant who could not remit his fees online timely, should caution educationists to look for plugging the inadequacy gaps with economically poor students. The UNESCO too points out in a recent study the Covid-induced phenomenon of school dropouts among girls due to non-availability of smart phones and laptops etc. The digital divide due to over dependence on gadgets in education must be addressed for equal opportunities.

Brij B.Goyal, Ludhiana

No heart-felt apology by PM

Dr Suravajjula's moot point (THI, Nov 24) that highlighted the contrast between Indira Gandhi and Modi stating," Modi, true to his political shrewdness, didn't make his apology very obvious in his speech due to strategic reasons. It may be recalled that the former PM Indira Gandhi had to publicly apologise for all the mistakes

and excesses committed during the Emergency." It is obvious that Modi couldn't make his apology as he is a strategist but not open

like Indira. She had the premonition to face assasins bullets and her openness was unreserved.

Dr T Ramadas, Visakhapatnam


Dr Ramu Suravajjula's write-up drawing comparisons of two

leaders Narendra Modi and Chandrababu Naidu made an interesting read. Except possessing appreciable leadership qualities by both the leaders, there were wide gaps in the manner of governance. It is a fact that after unremitting struggle, dint of hard work and shrewd understanding of politics, they rose to reach the top echelons thereby winning confidence of all sections of people.

However, it is the style of working that has put Naidu in the dock for the present. In a way, his downfall began after his opportunistic politics for power coming to the fore with the trust in him started dwindling. Despite his core supporters still intact with him, this may not be enough to catapult him to power by dislodging the present ruler who appears to have entrenched in the saddle. In short, Naidu can hit back only if the present government commits a big blunder.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

Decency thrown to winds

'As you sow, so shall you reap', says a proverb. During his political heydays, N Chandrababu Naidu threw the democratic norms to winds by dethroning his political mentor cum father in law from

CM gaddi and also ridiculing latter's wife Laxmi Parvati. It's also reported, in past, on the Legislative forum, Naidu also insulted

actress-turned-MLA Roja as revealed by her. Still, two wrongs cannot make a right. Dragging the name of Naidu's wife, Bhuvaneshwari, and mudslinging her character in a foul language in Assembly. Democracy lovers are dismayed at how elected representatives are reducing the decorum of the legislative values inorder to show their vengeance towards the opposition.

Govardhan R Jilla, Mumbai



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