PM is answerable to the public

Update: 2019-04-26 00:38 IST

It is very worrying in a democracy like India that Indian Prime Minister did not throw any press conference nor any political interview in his all period of five years.

He kept visiting all over the world and now when the Lok Sabha election is going on in all over the India suddenly he shared with people a non-political interview which consists of some jokes and some illogical questions.


The most ponderable question is that why our prime minister is scaping himself from questions after completing his time.

People want to know what about his high promises that he has done in last election now it is time to answer not to busy himself in entertainment like programmes.

It is needless for a prime minister to entertain people, because there are endless lists of actors and actresses who can entertain people in better manner.

These all dramatic and unexpected acts by a responsible person do not sound good along with they are smacking of diverting people's attentions from the core issues which were more likely to be questioned.

It is a high time for people to be not fooled for long and cast their precious votes for the party which is in favour of the development of India.

Md Azim, Sheohar



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