Poor on the verge of starvation

Update: 2020-05-21 23:28 IST
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Coronavirus pandemic has cast a devastating effect on the normal life of people across the globe. It has generated an unprecedented concerns and panic across the Indian peninsula shattering the dreams and expectations of hundreds of thousands of people. The government as well as the poor, especially the underprivileged, have been found running out of essential commodities and are being found almost at the verge of starvation.


Millions of people in India have lost employment and this further led to manifold the crises. Government treasury is diminishing gradually. The country has been at the pinnacle of uncertainty. The work-a-day people are found groping in the dark unable to make out a creative and practical solution for this crisis. Something should be done on a war footing to save our country from this deplorable economic plunge.

We are quite uncertain if a vaccine would be invented forthwith. Henceforth we have to avoid unnecessary social gathering and immodest luxuries and extravaganza so as to live comfortably and save the economy from dwindling. We are quite fortunate to have immense and exemplary human resources in our country. The potentiality of our educated youth should not be exported to the west. Those youth should be given ample platforms to showcase their skills. Thousands of migrants have been back to our country with empty hands. The potentialities of those migrants should be utilised timely and productively to enrich the software and hardware skills of our nation.

A huge, modified and effective reforms in the financial planning should be introduced. Cottage industries and small-scale industries should be encouraged by issuing loans with a low rate of interest. Co-operative societies should lure the entrepreneurs to invest capital for introducing multiple establishments in every nook and cranny of the country. Self-sufficiency in the field of production and distribution should be augmented. Indigenous goods and products should be accorded the prime priority.

Unreasonable dependency on developed countries should be discouraged or curtailed. Government should take stringent and uncompromising measures at the earliest to impose restriction on the import of foreign products especially on Chinese products. Foreign Direct Investment should be beneficial to the people of our country. If it leads to annihilation, it should be nipped at the bud itself.

Prabhakaran Vallath, School teacher, Karimnagar in Telangana. 



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