Stop undermining Indian scientists

Update: 2021-01-09 22:29 IST

Stop undermining Indian scientists

This refers to your editorial, 'Approval for Covaxin raises eyebrows'(dated 7th January,21). It will be good for government and Health ministry to address all those questions being raised by many people about the trial and process of phase-III. It will boost public confidence.

If Govt is sure, then to boost public confidence, first doses shall be taken by PM, Home minister and other ministers. No harm in doing so. This act will Certainly bell the cat.


Well, India's scientists have once again proved that they can rise to the occasion. India's success story in introducing Covid Vaccine in record time deserves all around praise and not scepticism.

Naysayers are once again casting their long shadows and busy planting suspicion and deceit but are likely to bite dust as it happened during surgical strike on Pak terror camps. The Drug Controller of India's approval after due diligence have given go ahead for emergency use. This remains India's greatest scientific achievement.

Why there is so much cynicism over this 'Made In India' vaccine ? Because there are vested interests who want India to buy their vaccines at steep prices and not be able to use their home developed vaccine. If Indian vaccine proves to be more effective than other vaccines they not only lose their face but billions of dollars as well which they hope to harvest in marketing their vaccine in India and several third world countries as well.

So funnelling money through NGOs, some media outlets and to various political parties through donations seems to be at display. Already foreign media is already in campaign mood to denigrate Indian vaccine. At stake is India's $6 billion worth market.

Opposition leaders are busy planting doubts in general public's mind about the efficacy, accuracy and its cur ability. It's anyone's guess whose bidding they are doing to undermine India's moment of glory. India media is also in cahoots with them in giving them prime time and front line headlines but are mentioning and printing only in small notes fall out of Pfizer vaccine.

It's a deliberate attempt to undermine growing status of India as first rate exporters of medicine, medical equipment and world's largest capacity to produce vaccine. Bharat Biotech has world class lab which has developed vaccine and can stand the test from any independent international agency but the point here is why should we doubt integrity of our scientists when country like US and UK are busy defending their companies.

Our opposition have once again failed nation in their duty to be on the right side of national agenda. Their only motive seems to put Modi's head on chopper even at the cost of national pride. Propaganda that it's'BJP vaccine' may be used against its opponents and Muslims is as absurd as Brazil's PM Bolsonao's stupid assertion that vaccine may result humans into crocodiles and women will grow hairs.

India needs to be alert to safeguard its interests against motivated and vested interests. This is not to suggest that Indian vaccine is above probity and questions. Biotech MD and Serum India is comprehensively expelling doubts about its efficacy. We should not become a laughingstock by failing our scientists and medical prowess without giving them a fair chance to prove their credentials. People we don't want to be vaccinated must not be forced to do it.

Confidence should never be one-way street.

Bholey Bhardwaj, Mumbai



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