Strengthening agriculture will be a game-changer

Update: 2020-05-15 02:19 IST

Covid-19 has affected the economy of all countries and in particular Indian economy. A lot of sacrifice is required to put the economy on track. The sacrifice shall be of the government, industrial sector, public and in particular each and every citizen.

India is rich in agriculture and as such agriculture is a good source for income generation. It is an undisturbed and comfortable area for income generation.


If every citizen is assured of food security, his confidence level will yield and it will in turn strengthen India's economy. Hence the dire need is to strengthen the agriculture sector in India. As long as this ancient income-generating sector is strong, India's economy cannot be weak. Any investment on agriculture will automatically result in consistent economic growth. The fruits of the Agriculture then shall be invested in other fields such as manufacturing, service, construction and so on and so forth. Though this kind of measure may lead to slower growth initially but it will definitely strengthen the economy in the long run.

All of us are aware that the fiscal position of the government is not sound and they have to take several steps to strengthen it's fiscal measures. In my opinion the following measures may be considered.

1. Agriculture, forests, mines and rivers plays a greater role in Indian economy. Preservation and safety of these natural income generation sources shall be taken on war footing. The preservation and control of these shall be taken away from political decision making and a separate Statutory Body be constituted with retired senior Scientists and senior people of related fields.

2. Sealing on income should be considered as a major reform. Family shall be considered as a unit for income generation. No individual shall be taken as unit. Income shall be based on the basic expenditure with some percentage of cushion.

3. Minimum spending on non essential events such as functions, marriages etc. shall be mandated.

4. Value appreciation of assets such as land etc. shall completely be banned and can be reviewed once in 10 years

5. Expenditure on political activities and alcoholic beverages causing hardships for the growth of the economy. This unfair expenditure shall be severely controlled by an independent non governmental statutory body.

Considering these measures Indian economy will strengthen automatically. Thus India will become a Strong and vibrant Economy in the World.

B Sudhindra Kumar, Company Secretary, Nallakunta, Hyderabad.



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