40 more services at the doorstep delivery scheme: Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia

Update: 2019-11-20 22:59 IST

New Delhi (PTI): Forty more services will be added to the Delhi government's doorstep delivery scheme by the end of this year, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said on Wednesday.

Delivering a speech on 'Vision of making Delhi a world class city', organised at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry here, he asserted that more than two lakh people have so far benefited from the scheme and the number is rising. "Currently, there are 70 services under the doorstep delivery scheme and 40 more have been identified. By the end of this year, there will be 110 services under the scheme," Sisodia said.


Under the scheme launched by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in September 2017, people can call a helpline number to have various documents and services delivered at their doorstep. Citing "problems" caused by multiplicity of agencies in Delhi, Sisodia rued that the system of governance in the city is the "worst" in the world.

A collective effort is needed to make Delhi a smart city, he said, adding the role of a government is to provide an ambience of easy, user and business-friendly governance. "There should be a single command centre of governance which is a need of citizen and business community in Delhi," the deputy chief minister said.

Talking about various reforms brought in by the Delhi government, Sisodia said besides simplifying the forms, "corruption" related to VAT, GST and excise taxes were removed. Tax compliance and collection has got a boost in Delhi due to lower rates, he asserted. Interacting with the members of PHD Chamber, the deputy chief minister said the Delhi government has been able to reduce local sources of pollution by 25 per cent and more will be done to bring it further down. He said a coordinated effort involving the Centre and neighbouring states was needed to overcome the practice of crop stubble burning that added to air pollution woes of Delhi during the winters. 



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