DCB Bank & volunteer group, residents join hands to restore Achari Kunta Cheruvu

Update: 2021-07-08 01:11 IST

DCB Bank & volunteer group, residents join hands to restore Achari Kunta Cheruvu

Nizampet: To mark the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation's 10-day 'Harita Haram' (annual plantation drive), officials and community residing around Achari Kunta Lake here came together to plant saplings in the restored bunds and along the water body's pathway as part of the project to rejuvenate it.

This will create a positive impact on the City's environment. The plantation focused on local species of trees, grass and shrubs that will help absorb water, stabilise and strengthen the bunds and slopes, and provide the much-required green cover.


Said a bank official: "Trees, shrubs and grass, over the months and years create a pleasing green cover for residents to walk and exercise. Trees will trap dust and harmful carbon dioxide and help reduce the hot summer temperature near the lake."

Other bank officials stated that a plant nursery has been created to support the plantation. The DCB Bank has launched the project as part of its corporate social responsibility. iNaturewatch NGO is providing knowledge and expertise to implement the project. The project aims to restore local biodiversity of plants, birds and insects.

In a biodiversity survey at the lake from March 2021, there were sightings of four butterfly,19 birds and a species of spider. Birdlife has been prolific, such as green bee-eater, drongo, purple sunbird, pied bush chat, plain Prinia, tailorbird, egret, spot-billed duck, pond heron, amongst others.

As a part of the project, the woodland that is being nurtured will benefit the environment. The lake has been cleared of waste accumulated over years of neglect. Its restoration includes creating a secure boundary area, that is protected for trees, shrubs, walkers, and prevents illegal disposal of waste in the water body. 



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