Hyderabad: Strong will power helped to beat the ventilator fears says Covid survivor

Update: 2021-05-18 23:39 IST

Strong will power helped to beat the ventilator fears says Covid survivor Tasleem Begum

Hyderabad: The general feeling among people is that once you are put on a ventilator it is time for 'Alvida' but that is not the case. I am not just a senior citizen (55) but also a diabetic patient.

When I tested positive and faced breathing problems even doctors expressed doubts about my recovery but almost after 11 days I started recovering, said Tasleem Begum. Who believes in miracles and states her recovery as one.


Speaking about her Covid journey she said that what made her to get yet another span of life was her strong will power and the tireless efforts of doctors and nursing staff who are the real frontline heroes. The miracle as the doctors say happened because of them, she said with a smile on her face as she was discharged from the King Koti hospital.

Probably her grandchildren were the carriers and because of them she got infected. Being young and having better immunity levels, they were in home isolation. But she had to be hospitalised.

She says while the doctors took round the clock care of her, the nursing team extended yeomen services and assisted the doctors. "I recall the days while I was on a ventilator, the only one thought in my mind was that this is a temporary phase and soon she would be out of that place."

Tasleem said that she had been thinking about her family members to whom she had promised to return home healthy. "While being in ICU I had witnessed people dying but I didn't focus on that instead I fought bravely.

I kept on saying, 'Its too early to leave this world and I have to live' and now I do feel incredibly blessed in surviving and I feel my experience can be an inspiration to all those who tend to panic or fear Covid-19, she adds.

The news of increasing vaccination numbers has provided hope for the people, she said, adding that soon after getting fully recovered she would take the vaccine. "We will get better but only if we build willpower, mental and physical strength," suggests Begum.

"It's up to each of us to determine when and how to seek mental health support to meet the new normal with purpose, resilience and it is the responsibility of each one of us to ensure all safety measures," Begum added.



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