Hyderabad: Vexed with hefty funeral charges activists seeks government intervention

Update: 2021-05-20 00:24 IST

Vexed with hefty funeral charges activists seeks government intervention

Hyderabad: With Covid cases worsening day-by-day leading to high number of deaths, families of the deceased (who succumbed to the virus) are finding it difficult to perform the last rites, as crematoriums/ graveyards are charging hefty amounts. Vexed with this rising trend, many social activists took up the issue on Twitter and requested the State government to intervene.


"For past many months, families who are performing the last rites of their near and dear ones are facing this issue. As per rules graveyards/crematoriums should charge Rs 500 to Rs 600, but they are collecting double and triple the amount. Whenever we opposed or complained to higher officials, they charge nominal amounts. However, after a few days they start fleecing again. It is a high time the concerned authorities should fix funeral charges,'' said M Prashanth, a social worker.

"All most all crematoriums in the City are overcharging. We, members of the Feed the Needy NGO, are doing charitable work by helping in the last ride services, but this extra charge is burning our pockets. On May 19 we rang a crematorium near LB Nagar for knowing the amount of last rites. They staff said it would cost Rs 25,000. We have been facing this issue from many months. It would better if the concerned officials looks into this matter,'' said Sai Teja, a member of Feed the Needy, (an organisation which has been preforming the last rites for those who succumbed due to Covid).

"Last week my uncle passed away due to Corona. Already we were worried facing financial and mental problems. In that situation we were forced to wait for hours to perform the last rites at crematorium which charged Rs 50,000.''said a relative of a the bereaved family.



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