Hyderabad: Wall of Darulshifa government school crumbles

Update: 2022-07-30 01:13 IST

Wall of Darulshifa government school crumbles

HyderabadThe scene depicts the sorry state of affairs in government schools in the city. In Darulshifa Government High School, one of the oldest institutions in the city, the entrance wall has collapsed due to heavy rain. The entire structure is dilapidated posing danger. Parents and activists are concerned over the decrepit condition.

The school is neglected by the government. With lack of maintenance, the wall crumbled, leaving the entire building in a dilapidated state. The GHMC identified the building as dilapidated in 2018, but it was not demolished by authorities; the school continues.


According to social activists, the school building is about 150 years old. It has been running since 1920. "Earlier, the structure housed a health care centre, named Osmania hospital. After the Osmania General Hospital was constructed it was turned into Darulshifa government school. Since then the structure remains the same with no upgradation. It has crumbled following heavy rain," said Mohammed Ahmed, a social activist.

The school has around 120 students of both Urdu and English media. It lacks basic amenities like tables, desks, benches, lights, fans, and proper drinking water, hygienic toilets; no separate toilets for girls. "As the structure is century-old, its walls and roof are observed with huge cracks, and may collapse any time. If it is not repaired, it may crumble. The government should dismantle the structure and raise a new school building. As the building is dilapidated parents are worried about sending their children," added Ahmed.

When it comes to imparting education, the government leaves no stone unturned to see that every student gets educated. Even if it means cramming, around 120 students of all standards in five classrooms of both Urdu and English media from poor and underprivileged families.

As it is an Urdu medium school, the government neglected the school and no maintenance was taken up for the past several years. "During rainwater is logged up to three feet. With inundation we students are forced to leave the premises," said a student.



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