New AIMIM party makes inroads into new areas

Update: 2019-11-19 02:34 IST

Darulshifa: By maintaining steady pace in penetrating into Old City, the All India Majlis Inquilab-e-Millat (AIMIM) has made another dent in city by attracting more number of people towards the party through organising second round of membership drive at Darulshifa, near Salarjung Museum.

Dazzled with the successful drive organised at Charminar Bus Depot recently, the party has organised the second programme at Dar-ul-shifa football ground, which has again received a good response from the people of Old City, an area perceived as a bastion of Asaduddin's AIMIM.


"This time around 800 people have taken party's membership in just three hours of time. The programme was held from 2 to 5 pm on Saturday and has seen overwhelming response from the people and well as elders of the area," said Moulana Syed Taraq Quadri advocate president, Inquilab-e-Millat party.

He said, "We are happy to see good sense is prevailing upon the new generation who are completely fed up with the megalomaniac attitude of the politicians and the dirty politics played during last several decades that has failed to earn any development, employment opportunities as well as mutual respect for the people of Old City."

"We came across many youngsters mostly educated who have offered their voluntarily services to the party provided the AIMIM should focus on development instead of playing religious or caste-based politics," said Syed Hamed Hussain Shuttary, vice president of the party.

"The interesting part of this drive is that people themselves come to us to get enrolled into the party. Last time, we organised the drive at a busy location at Charminar where people were all around us. However, this time we have chosen a ground which is completely away from the busy road. Surprisingly we got a similar response from the people this time too, claimed MA Quddus Ghori, Advocate.

Describing the enthusiasm among the public to join the party as an evolving trend in Old City, the senior party leader MA Qavi Abbasi, advocate, said, "The youth addicted to phones are registering their names and offering services to the party from their respective areas. 



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