Telangana Vidyarti Samakya flays KCR govt for slashing education outlay

Update: 2019-09-12 22:26 IST

Osmania University: The Telangana Vidyarti Samakya (TVS) criticised the State budget for 'inadequate' allocation to the education sector and 'neglecting' it.

State president of TVS Harish Goud told the media here that at least 25 per cent of the budget allocations should be set apart for providing quality education. He accused the TRS government of 'conspiring to render education ineffective'.


The TSV chief expressed displeasure over the government's failure to make any allocation for universities, while demanding Rs.2,000 crore for all universities in the State.

He pointed out that non-allotment of funds to the education sector would have an adverse effect on welfare hostels and management of colleges. Harish Goud also demanded immediately appointment of vice-chancellors of universities and filling of all vacant teaching and non-teaching posts.



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