Unique system cuts risks for IVF method

Update: 2019-07-25 01:36 IST

Hyderabad: The Oasis Centre for Reproductive Medicine introduced Electronic Witnessing System (EWS). This system improves traceability and quality control, while reducing laboratory-based risk. It tracks samples at predefined procedural steps in IVF laboratories to prevent mix-ups and provide an automated solution for mandatory double witnessing.

This is achieved through assigning unique IDs and personal codes for all the samples. These codes, tagged to the samples, enable easy detection signals, identification, tracking and recording at every step.


Only once the identity is confirmed through EWS, the Embryologist will proceed with insemination. In an unlikely event of sample mismatch, the system will alert the Embryologist preventing potential errors. The unique ID is automatically checked against the tagged embryo prior to the transfer.

Events like biological sample mix up are very rare in IVF procedure, but still leave the couples anxious and worried. To eliminate all possible risks associated with the procedure, Oasis Centre for Reproductive Medicine is adding another layer of security at each step of the process.

Dr Durga G Rao, Co- founder and medical director of Oasis Centre for Reproductive Medicine said, "For availing IVF treatment the first thing a couple looks for is the success rate and the second thing is transparency. Every couple which comes to us knows through EWS what drug was given, the protocol adopted, the number of eggs, embryos used etc. This data and record will be shared with the patient so that they are aware of each step and process adopted."



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