Venting ire through art

Update: 2020-01-13 00:11 IST

Secunderabad: Vexed over the persisting issues like water crises throughout the year, potholes ridden roads, overflow of sewage and closures of roads, residents of SCB now have taken the support of social media to express their distress by posting their woes in the form of sketches.

The Secunderabad Cantonment Board (SCB) is one of the largest Cantonments in India with 4 lakh population but lacks basic civic amenities.


Fed up with inaction by the SCB officials, CS Chandrasekhar, Secretary of the Federation of North-Eastern Colonies of Secunderabad (FNECS), and other locals have come with a unique protest by highlighting the problems through various caricatures and sketches in the social media.

This sketches reflect various issues faced by the locals daily like permanently closed road at Lakdawala Gate, lack of streetlight, bad condition of lakes etc.

Chandrasekhar said, "As we are fed up with filing numerous written representations and verbal complaints to concern officials as they have been neglecting our problems, I have used art to reach out to the officials."

"At least, now the officials concerned should pay heed to our plight. We are leading a terrible life. and here the condition of the road at Mudfort is very bad and also garbage is also not cleared regularly. We are tired of complaining to officials and elected board members about the issues," said Sunil, a resident of Mudfort.

"At least now we hope that these sketches and caricatures would become an eye-opener to the officials. We have been suffering for many years due to road closures. We are forced to take the long route. Also, the roads almost in all the SCB areas are in bad condition and consequently creating a panic among the citizens," said Venkata Ramana, a resident of Malani Enclave.



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