Tension grips at Visakhapatnam coast ovee use of ring nets for fishing

Update: 2022-07-29 11:49 IST

Tension grips at Visakhapatnam coast ovee use of ring nets for fishing

There is a tense atmosphere at the shore of Visakhapatnam where villagers set fire to the boats of the fishermen of another village claiming that they were fishing with ring nets. In Matsyakarapalli, which is adjacent to Visakhapatnam, some people continue to catch fish with ring nets while the nearby Jalaripet villagers are opposing this.

After a clash broke out between the two factions on this issue six months ago, Minister Appalaraju, Kurasala Kannababu, and former minister Avanti Srinivasa Rao reconciled the two factions. Against this backdrop, six boats anchored on the coast after finishing fishing last night were set on fire, which led to the conflict between the two groups. Fishermen and women are expressing their grief that their nets were badly set on fire and damaged.

The police immediately responded to this and prevented the dispute between the two villagers. As per the orders of the authorities, the people are advised to remain calm till the fishing goes on.



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