Top US virus expert Fauci in quarantine

Update: 2020-05-11 01:44 IST
Anthony Fauci

Washington: Top US virus expert Anthony Fauci is among three members of the White House's coronavirus task force who will self-isolate after potential exposure to the pathogen, US media reported. On Saturday, reports that Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary had tested positive heightened fears about senior administration officials catching the virus.


Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, will self-isolate, CNN said.But Fauci -- who has become the trusted face of the government's virus response -- told the network he would undergo a "modified quarantine" because he had not been in close proximity to the contagious White House staffer.

The head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health will remain at home teleworking and will wear a mask for two weeks.He is also undergoing daily coronavirus tests, and has so far been negative for the disease. Redfield and Hahn will quarantine for two weeks after exposure to a person who tested positive, FDA and CDC statements to US media said. 



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