New Delhi: Corona-free doctor locked Up at home by neighbour

Update: 2020-05-17 01:31 IST
Corona-free doctor locked Up at home by neighbour

New Delhi: A doctor in Delhi, who recovered from coronavirus recently, was locked up in her flat, threatened and verbally allegedly by her neighbour for returning home.

The doctor, who works at a government hospital, had contracted the virus while treating COVID-19 patients.

When she returned to her home in south Delhi's Vasant Kunj after being discharged from the hospital for home quarantine, her neighbour allegedly asked her to live elsewhere. The man allegedly verbally abused and then locked her inside her home.


The woman lives alone in the flat. " around 4:30 pm, Manish came and started hurling abuses and screaming at me, saying I am corona positive and that I can't stay here.

Even after explaining to him that I have two confirmed negative reports and have been satisfactorily discharged from the isolation centre, still he didn't stop screaming at me," the doctor wrote in her police complaint.



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