PM Modi: Sacrifice Of Soldiers Will Not Be In Vain

Update: 2020-06-17 15:55 IST
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday asserted that India would retaliate if provoked and that it would defend every inch of its territory. The Prime Minister was addressing the chief ministers of various states in his two-day video interaction on the COVID-19 situation in the country when he made these remarks.

In a reference to Chinese provocation in the Galwan Valley in Eastern Ladakh, where 20 Indian soldiers including a colonel were martyred after a brutal attack, on Monday night, PM Modi observed that India wants peace but will not get intimidated.


The Prime Minister remarked that India does not want differences to turn into disputes. PM Modi said that India's sovereignty remained supreme. He remarked that the government would not compromise with India's sovereignty. PM Modi paid tributes to the sacrifice of soldiers and pointed out that they fought till the last breath.

PM Modi remarked that India is capable of giving a befitting reply if it is provoked. He added that courage is an integral part of India's character as much as restraint and sacrifice are.

The Prime Minister commented that India has always shown its strength to stand united. Any misadventure will be firmly responded with PM Modi remarked.

PM Modi prefaced his video interaction with the chief ministers of states and Union Territories with this brief address and then requested all of them to observe 2 minutes silence to mourn the deceased soldiers. 



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