Shop owner dies in scuffle for Rs 40

Update: 2024-03-22 09:58 IST

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Bhadrak: A grocery shop owner in Bhadrak district allegedly died after a scuffle broke out when he asked a customer to pay Rs 40 more against the purchases he made. The incident took place at Baralpokhari village under Bhadrak town police limits on Wednesday.

The customer bought some items valued at Rs 180 from Bijay Panda’s shop and paid Rs 140. He said that he would pay the remaining Rs 40 later, which was not acceptable to Panda who demanded an immediate payment.


After a heated altercation, there was a scuffle between the two and Panda fell to the ground and became unconscious. The customer, who was identified, fled from the spot, police said.

When villagers took him to a hospital, doctors declared him dead. The family of the deceased lodged a complaint against the customer with the police. Bhadrak Town DSP Anshuman Dwibedi said a case has been registered. The body was sent to Bhadrak District Hospital for post-mortem. “We are waiting for the post-mortem report to know the reason behind the death. We will take further action getting the report,’’ Dwibedi said.



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