Punjabi youth killed in Chicago gun shooting

Update: 2019-09-20 17:00 IST

Chicago: A Punjabi youth was allegedly shot dead in a gun shooting in Chicago, USA. This incident happened on Wednesday night. The deceased identified as Baljit Singh, alias Prince (28), who works at the departmental store which is owned by Avtar Singh, alias Puppy, of Chhat village.

Baljit Singh also hails Chhat village has migrated to the USA last year and was working at the grocery store. As usually on Wednesday night, Baljit was returning home after completing his work when some armed goons shot him dead while demanding for money.


Baljit, who sustained bullet injury in the stomach has phoned his owner Avtar Singh and told about the incident. Avtar Singh reached the incident spot, found Baljit lying in the pool of blood was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was declared brought dead by doctors.

Prince's father Inderjit Singh said they were informed about his son's death at around 11 am on Thursday. An inconsolable father said that he had spoken to his son over the phone two days ago.

Singh said he did not know when his son's body would come to India. Baljit Singh is the only son for his parents and survived by his grandmother, father, mother and two sisters. The family members requested the government to help them in bringing the body to India.



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