Watch The Trending Video Of Man Bitten By Shark

Update: 2022-07-21 22:14 IST

In a social media, a trending video that has gone viral witnessed a guy who released a shark into the water was bitten by the animal. The 11-second video clip that was uploaded to Reddit shows the guy, a lady, and two kids on a boat attempting to revive the baby shark after they had released it into the sea.

The fish finally wakes up after a few prods and begins to circle about and bite the man's palm. He struggles to free his fingers, but the shark stubbornly refuses to let go. When the man finally removes his hand, blood can be seen flowing from the shark's mouth.


More than 33,000 people have voted and commented on the trending video on Reddit. Here is the trending video, have a look at it:

Children in particular are observed to be horrified by what is happening to the other boat passengers while the man quietly walks away while sucking the damaged area. The internet was shocked by his response.

The fish in the video is a nurse shark, which is typically small and avoids divers but has powerful jaws and a mouth full of numerous serrated teeth.

According to National Geographic, they come in fourth place in terms of the total number of confirmed bites on people.

Meanwhile, Another identical video that showed a nurse shark hooked onto a man's arm while he was swimming in Florida's Jenson Beach went viral on social media two years prior. The man was messing around in the water when the shark bit his arm. Social media users were astounded by his coolness under pressure.

The man was captured on camera exiting the water while clutching the shark affectionately by a beachgoer. Up until the time when paramedics got at the site, the fish was attached to the man for about 45 minutes.



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