Sreerama Chandra to host Aha’s Business Reality Show, ‘Nenu Super Woman’

Update: 2023-06-28 16:14 IST

Nenu Super Woman Show

OTT platform Aha, is set to inspire women entrepreneurs with South India's Biggest Business Reality Show, 'Nenu Super Woman.' This pioneering initiative aims to inspire women to embark on entrepreneurial ventures, fostering financial independence and reshaping the landscape of women's entrepreneurship.

‘Nenu Super Woman’ goes beyond conventional mentoring programs, offering a unique blend of guidance and firsthand experience. Hosted by the Sreerama Chandra, the show will provide a platform for aspiring women entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to a panel of successful business leaders known as the 'ANGELS.'


‘Nenu Super Woman’ will captivate the audience as Sreeram Chandra guides the contestants through the exhilarating pitch process. After a rigorous selection process, 40 exceptional candidates, referred to as ‘Super Woman,’ will have the opportunity to present their ideas face-to-face with the 'ANGELS.' Each pitch will be carefully evaluated, and the 'ANGELS' will extend offers based on the candidates' final presentations.

The 'ANGELS' participating in the show are visionary entrepreneurs who have made their mark in their respective industries. They include Rohit Chennamaneni (Co-Founder of Darwinbox), Sridhar Gadhi (Founder and Executive Chairman of Quantela Inc), Renuka Bodla (Venture Partner of Silverneedle Ventures), Sudhakar Reddy (Founder and CEO of Abhi Bus), Dodla Deepa Reddy (Dodla Dairy), and Sindhura Ponguru (Narayana Group). These accomplished 'ANGELS' are prepared to invest in promising businesses and nurture aspiring entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. The highly anticipated show, ‘Nenu Super Woman,’ is poised to debut on aha, ushering in a new era of women entrepreneurship and inspiring countless individuals to pursue their dreams.



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