Nipah scare in Tirupati

Update: 2018-06-04 07:53 IST

Tirupati: Rumours have spread widely in Tirupati of possible a Nipah virus case in the Ruia Hospital on Sunday. There was a scare in the city when a woman patient, who is also a doctor, was brought to the hospital on Saturday night. She was kept under observation as she had returned from Calicut where she had worked in a hospital and treated a patient with symptoms of Nipah virus. 


After the Kerala government alerted AP to keep her under observation, District Collector PS Pradyumna directed the authorities to keep her under observation in the Ruia Hospital. While she was at her native village V Kota, authorities brought her to the Ruia Hospital and kept her under observation in A-ward.

The moment the news spread in the city and with the electronic media thronging the hospital early in the morning, it became an issue of concern among the denizens. The Collector immediately rushed to the hospital to enquire the health condition of the patient. 

Later speaking to the media, the Collector made it clear that "she was perfectly alright and there were no symptoms at all of the possible Nipah virus. Still she will be in observation for 14 days as she worked in the hospital where Nipah patient was admitted.

There was absolutely no reason for worry and appealed the people not to be panic.” He made it clear there was no report of any such symptoms anywhere in the district and the doctors and official machinery were under full alert to face any situation. Her blood samples will be sent to the testing lab at Pune as a precautionary step though doctors felt that there was no such need.

The Collector asked the media to observe restraint as any false news in such matters will create panic among the people. Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu enquired with the Collector on the situation. DMHO Dr S Vijaya Gowri, Ruia superintendent Dr B Sidda Naik  and RMO Dr U Srihari were with the Collector when he visited the hospital.



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