Dharna staged against fee hike

Update: 2018-07-17 05:30 IST

Tirupati: Second year postgraduate students of the Sri Venkateswara University (SVU), under the banner of the SFI, have staged dharna in front of the administrative building here on Monday, demanding the officials to reduce the annual tuition fees.

They raised slogans against the varsity authorities over the sudden enhancement of the tuition fees when compared to previous years. Students said the yearly fees was enhanced from Rs 24,000 to Rs 36,000.


Addressing the students, SFI leader Madav Krishna slammed the varsity officials for increasing the fees to privatise the education. He demanded the SVU authorities to withdraw hike in annual fee and give relief for the financially backward students belonging to SC, ST and BCs. Later, the students have submitted a memorandum to SVU Rector Janaki Ramaiah.

The Rector assured the students that he will discuss about reducing the fee structure with all the college principals. In the programme, SFI leaders Bharat, Akbar, Sridhar and others were present. 



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