Alfa Hotel outlets raided

Update: 2018-07-18 05:30 IST

Vijayawada: On the instructions of District Collector B Lakshmikantham, the food safety department officials raided two outlets of Alfa Hotel for not maintaining hygiene and serving unhygienic food.”The management of the hotel was ordered for temporary closure of the hotel until further orders.

The raid was led by assistant food controller N Poornachander Rao.Rao said that the raid was held on both the outlets of Alfa Hotel for serving food laced with artificial colour -chicken biryani and tanduri chicken- which was not good for health.


Samples were collected from the hotel and were sent for testing to the lab. The officials noticed unhygienic conditions on the hotel premises. He said that the hotel was running without proper permission.  

He said that after getting the lab report, stern action will be taken against the hotel management. A criminal case would be filed if the lab report shows the food was stale and unhygienic. Food inspector G Venkateswara Rao and other staff were present.



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