New TTD Chief Vigilance and Security Officer takes charge

Update: 2018-11-10 05:30 IST

Tirumala: Newly appointed TTD Chief Vigilance & Security Officer (CVSO) Gopinath Jetti took charge on Friday. After assuming the charge, he had darshan of Lord Venkateswara. Later in Ranganayakula Mandapam, he was offered Vedasirvachanam by Vedic scholars.

Tirumala JEO KS Srinivasa Raju offered him teerthaprasadams and laminated photo of Lord. Later, speaking to the media, the CVSO said with his past experience of working here as Tirupati Urban SP, he will do his best to ensure friendly policing keeping in view of the multitude of national and international devotees visiting the hill shrine.

“I will work in co-ordination with both TTD management and the police to offer better services to the pilgrims. The safety and security of pilgrims is our top priority and we will ensure it,” he maintained. After assuming charge, Gopinath met TTD Chairman P Sudhakar Yadav in his office in SV Guest House.



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