Complex heart surgeries performed at Andhra Hospitals

Update: 2018-12-03 03:37 IST

 Vijayawada: The Heart and Brain Institute of Andhra Hospitals organised paediatric cardiac surgical camp in association with Healing Little Hearts, UK team from November 25 to 30.

About 5 doctors from the UK famous hospitals – Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, UK and Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK performed about 10 complex heart surgeries free during this week, according to Dr PV Rama Rao, Chief of Children’s Services here on Saturday.


He said that the team of doctors include pediatric interventional cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, cardiac intensivists, perfusionist intensive care nurses and the team led by Dr Simone Speggiorin from Italy and Dr  Vikram, Paediatric Cardiologist from Andhra Hospitals. 

The team had successfully performed all complex heart surgeries which include TAPVC, Tetralogy of Fallot, Absent Pulmonary Valve, Double outlet right ventricle, AVSD, Tricuspid Atresia and other complex heart defects.

Dr PV Rama Rao, Chief of Children’s Services said that their success rate was nearly 100 percent which was possible only because of the team effort of paediatric cardiology, cardiac surgical team & paediatric intensive care team from Andhra Hospitals & UK. 

Healing Little Hearts, UK team had come fifteen times so far and many complex heart surgeries were done with their association, he added.



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