Parents with kids studying overseas? Here are special emojis for you

Update: 2018-07-17 23:56 IST

Expressing emotions via Emojis has traditionally been the purview of the young and restless!

However, this World Emoji Day, InstaReM, a digital cross-border money transfer firm, suggests that there must be emojis to express how parents feel, too, while transferring funds.

InstaReM Co-Founder & CEO Prajit Nanu has indicated that he will set aside all his priorities for the day to ensure that InstaReM can empathise with the yo-yoing bank balances of hardworking parents! :)


After all, money transfers are almost always charged with a lot of emotions. These Money Transfer emojis or InstaMojis—could be a way for the stressed parents to express themselves in today’s digital conversations.

1. I got a great rate

With a rate surge, the remitting parent gets more bang for the buck, and this is THE MOMENT all remitters wait for! Whether you are sending money to your family back home or paying for an investment or for your business, being able to send more is a joy beyond words! 

2. I am confused about margins and rates.

Are margins fees? Or are fees margins? What is what? There’s usually a lot of raised eyebrows and head-scratching about this. A lot of parents in India remitting money overseas are usually unsure if the FX rate displayed by service providers on the money transfer service provider’s currency converter is what is applied on transactions. Or are there additional charges?

We understand, the industry has been rather opaque in this matter and FX rates have often been riddled with hidden charges and margins. And there are only a few players who’re upfront with their FX rates.

3. I got the best transfer value.


There are many remittance service providers in the market who claim to offer great rates and charge no fees. But what really matters is the value the remitter gets out of the money sent. It all boils down to finally how much really does the recipient actually get?

InstaReM goes a step further. It gives the Best Transfer Amount Guarantee on all transactions across all corridors it serves. Best Transfer Value. Guaranteed. Nothing gets better.

4. The Grief of a Low FX Rate

If you must make a scheduled transfer, there is nothing that spoils the day more than having to send money at an unfavourable rate. While there is very little that one can do to help such unfair situations. But with service providers like InstaReM offer Margin-Free FX Rates and charge very nominal nominal fees, you get the most out of your money even under such circumstances. And sometimes there are $$ discount coupons to cheer you up ;)

5. The Frustration Of an Incomplete Transfer

As with any other online business, the online remittance industry also comes against the receiving end of irate customers enquiring about their incomplete transfers. Guilty as charged! Companies may not be able to live up to their time-commitment all the time. But sometimes, it’s just living by the regulations of the countries they operate in. They might need additional verification, for instance. Sometimes, the very technology that gives an edge, may fail them due to a feature update that’s gone awry. But it’s safe to say, contrary to what many customers think, remittances companies don’t hoard the customers’ hard-earned money. So while frustration of a stuck transfer is natural, be rest assured that someone is working behind the scenes to ensure that your overseas money transfer is completed as soon as possible!

Finally, parents can feel special too! 



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