Telangana police release song to bring awareness on fake messages regarding child abductors

Update: 2018-06-06 21:34 IST

With several fake WhatsApp messages doing the rounds in social media regarding a child kidnappers gang in Telangana, the Rachakonda police, in a bid to bring awareness on the situation have released song advising people against taking the law into their own hands if they believe someone is suspicious instead dial 100 if they suspect anyone. Sung by LB Nagar Traffic Inspector Anjapally Nagamallu, the song cautions the public against resorting to violence.



The Traffic Inspector has even penned the lyrics for the song. Speaking in regard to the circumstances of the song, he said that it is extremely disturbing that fake WhatsApp messages about child kidnappers and deadly dacoits have resulted in the brutal lynching of several innocent people. He stated that by educating the public regarding the situation through his songs, he can put an end to the menace in the society.

So far, at least 5 cases of innocent people being assaulted due to these hoax messages have been reported. The police have already moved beggars to shelter homes and asked transgenders to leave the city until the menace ends. They also warned against spreading such messages and that action would be taken against those involved.



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