Telangana sends 20-tonne milk powder and nutritious food to rain-hit Kerala

Update: 2018-08-19 05:30 IST

Hyderabad: In addition to previous help and to provide timely succour to the rain-battered Kerala State, Telangana government on Saturday offered to provide timely assistance of milk powder, RO machines and nutritious food items in adequate quantities. On Friday night the State government had already offered to provide Rs 25 crore financial succour and Rs 2.5 crore worth RO machines to Kerala. 


On Saturday morning, Chief Minister, K Chandrasekhar Rao instructed the officials to send as many as 20 tonnes of milk powder worth Rs 40 lakh to the flood hit Kerala. KCR has taken a decision in this regard and pressed in the officials to shift 20 tonnes of milk powder immediately to help the people in coastal state.

Chandrasekhar Rao announced to provide further help to that state. He also exhorted businessmen, industrialists, IT companies and others to come to the rescue of the Kerala, wherein people worst affected due to heavy rains, floods and devastated the God’s own state.

Taking cue from the Chief Minister Chandrasekhar Rao, the officials of Telangana Foods in Nacharam have sent 100 metric tons of nutritious food meant for children in the rain-hit areas in Kerala. 

The officials have shifted nutritious food worth of Rs 52.50 lakh through a Defence aircraft from Begumpet airport on Saturday at 7.30 am and offer to the Kerala government. Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav said that they sent 20 tonnes of milk powder worth Rs 40 lakh. KCR has instructed us to do so and the officials concerned are on the job, he said.



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