How your body change's after losing virginity?

Update: 2018-03-21 04:30 IST

Well, losing virginity is a big deal in the country like India. Even is today's society, it's very important for a girl to be virgin when she gets married. At the time of marriage proposals for the girl, the elderly ladies of the family easily recognize the virginity status of the girl. How they can do so, that because of the change in the body happens after the sexual intercourse. 


Here are the 7 things that happen to a girl's body after losing virginity:

1. Breasts turn firmer and bigger:Post sexual intercourse your breast size might shoot up to 25 % or more depending upon the arousal levels. You might have to buy a bra slightly bigger than your normal size too. Who does not like bigger, firmer and tighter breasts? So enjoy being laid and relish the after-effects of losing virginity

2. Bleading: Though not all women will bleed, but the ones whose hymen is intact could experience some light bleeding. This happens due to the tearing of the hymen. This does not hold true for many women as hymen could have stretched before penetration too

3. Delay in periods: If you have had unprotected sex, and you also experience symptoms such as nausea, and headaches, get yourself tested for pregnancy. Any delay in periods can be a cause of concern, so be safe than sorry and use protection

4. Vaginal becomes flexible: The vaginal walls as well clitoris due to less activity around it ends up being uptight. After sexual activity, your vaginal walls expand and even your clitoris enlarges. This ensures that the intercourse is less painful and women enjoy sex with pleasure. Once you lose your virginity the vagina ends up becoming elastic and clitoris respond well to sexual advances

5. Nipples become over sensitive: Your nipples are your biggest asset and they are also one of the erogenous zones of the body. After a sexual encounter, nipples tend to get tingly and sore which sort of increases the sensitivity. A slight touch, an erotic dream and you would see them respond tight

6. Hormoneal change: Happy hormones are the reason for that glowing skin. As a result, the feel-good hormone of your body, serotonin, gets secreted. Other than this, when you orgasm, it releases another hormone known as oxytocin, which makes you feel happy and relaxed.

7. Emotional issues: Post losing your virginity, you may have emotional outbursts, both happy and sad. This is due to the hormonal changes and can make you feel extremes of either of the emotions.

Remember sex is essential and also a wonderful experience for both man and women. Enjoy every session, dont be stubborn be relax enjoy the every movement till the climax. And all ways have safe sex by using condoms. 



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