Humans are Addicted Social Interaction Not Smart Phones

Update: 2018-03-28 23:39 IST

Technology is making humans hyper social and not Anti social says a myth Busting study A study of dysfunctional use of smart technology has found that humans are addicted to continuous social interaction, and not to their smartphone devices.Smart phone addiction could be hyper social and not antisocial.

There is a lot of panic involved in this topic. Studies are trying to offer some good news and show that it is out desire for human interaction that is addictive and there are fairly simple solutions to deal with this. Said Samuel veissiere from Mc grill university in Canada 


We all know people who seemingly, incapable of living without the bright screen of their phone for more than few minutes, are constantly texting and checking out what friends are upto on social media.

These are the examples of what may consider to be the anti social behaviour brought on by smartphone addiction, a phenomenon that has hardened media attention In the past few months and led investors and consumers to demand that tech giants address this problem.
Smart phones are leading to hyper connectivity which can lead to unhealthy addictions.



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