Sure Shot Hacks To Nail Your Job Application

Update: 2018-06-14 23:52 IST

 Applying to a job is the first, and perhaps only window to your profile for a recruiter here we tell you how to succeed at it

Job application can be overwhelming: especially when you’re applying to several places in the hope of finding a job that suits you best. And yet, an application be it a form, or a cover letter or a copy of your curriculum vitae is pretty much the only window to your profile for a prospective job or for a recruiter and oftentimes, you have only that much space to make head way that can culminate in making a lasting impact. Impressing within that window can be challenging but not impossible. Here are few sure shot hacks to help in your job application.


Be concise, clear and confident 

When you apply for a job, you are selling your capacity to be able to fit that job perfectly. Be crisp, concise and to the point in your application. Talk about training and skills that are relevant to the job rather than something completely unrelated or connected. Let the employer know that he is getting exactly what he is looking for. If you add things that do not connect or matter to the employer. He may lose out our on the value that he needs to see.

Focus on your experience rather than projecting a resume builders journey 

Approach your professional journey as a series of experiences that you have learned from and hope to learn from, rather than a mere accretion of resuming building activities. Look at ways to integrate your personal values and views, collect experiences with different employers and colleagues, take responsibility and respond accordingly work hard and try to create a series of experiences that you can look back on, and value, and grow with. Project all of this in your application.

Exhibit your passion 

Of course, in the initial few yearS, you may have been likely to experiment and push the envelope on a variety of opportunities but the key is to ensure that you do not come across as someone who is in the rat race without deriving any satisfaction from the job they’re seeking. Remember, your prospective employer is also looking to have someone who wants to grow and evolve.

Show impact. Show potential. Show that you can be useful 

It’s important that you make an impact whether it is in the work you do or in the life of the colleagues you work with. It is vital that you speak about the kind of impact you have had, and that will add value to you application by conveying that the employer stands to gain from your inclusion. Oftentimes, we forget that we should also help make progressive impact and create in the world around us and not just come across as chasing after pay packets.

Demonstrate that you can take risks 

It is terribly risky to not take a risk remember, no ship was made to stand still on the shore. There are plenty of opportunities and changes in the world around us, and we only stand to gain by taking a risk since we get to learn irrespective of whether we succeed or fail. Not taking a risk warrants that an individual isn’t putting in enough effort for the furtherance of their own career because unless  we take risks we aren’t going to know what we need to improve in ourselves show that you are capable of taking calculated risks.

Good solid references
Include sound references from people who can really vouch for your work. It is not any use gi have any token references coming in from people who are of renown are of famous. Always make sure that your references are familiar with your work and can endorse you in fashion that makes you come across as a worthy candidate. 

Avoid flamboyant language 

As this is one of the most common mistakes in sending out job applications is that people overdo politeness and turnout to be too flamboyant.



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