PIt’s all about PARENTING if you don’t succeed at first...

Update: 2018-07-16 19:36 IST

 Parents want to Shield their children from the pain of setbacks, instilling a fear of failure in the process. Here we give you instances where it’s alright to let your children fail and try again.

All parents want their children to be self reliant, resilient and successful when they grow up, but it takes more than just a nourishing environment to raise such a child. Most parents go to great lengths to shield their children from the pain of setbacks, but not many realise that in doing so, they are instilling a fear of failure in their little ones. While on the contrary, we need to encourage the little ones to open up to new experiences, make mistakes and then get up and try again, because in life, they are more likely to fail before they taste success. How they learn from the experience is what defines them in the long run. Here are a few instances where children need to b told that it is okay to fail and try again.


In the classroom

With the importance being placed on academics, it is understandable to be worried if your child doesn’t score straight As. But all children have different strengths that need to be recognised and encouraged. So instead of putting undue pressure on your child to perform well, tell them what they do best. While at the same time identifying the weaker areas and working on it together by employing innovative learning techniques, so that you don’t take the fun out of learning.

On the playground 

It can be tough to see your child struggling to keep the rest of the team. It is important, however that you focus on the effort and team play rather than the end result. How you can do so? By praising a certain shot your little one played during the game, and letting them know that you’re always cheering them on. Allow your little one to fail and try. But the focus should remain in enjoying the sport.

While participating in extracurricular activities 

Your child will come up with various ideas about what they want to pursue as an extracurricular activity if could be playing an instrument, taking up surfing or enrolling in a pottery class. Either way when it doesn’t go as planned or they find it tougher than anticipated, give them the space to struggle and succeed, because when they finally act it, the sense of achievement will be sweeter than any joy they’ve known.

On a competitive platform

Whether it’s a soccer game or a debate competition, it’s important that your child understands both winning and losing. After all, there are always lessons to be learned because when you lose or fail, you begin to see what could have been differently and better.

At home
While it’s nice to do things for your kids imperative to draw a line at Mollycoddling. So, don’t hesitate to give them little tasks or chores around the house such as cleaning their room or making own breakfast, even if it leads to them creating a mess. This will inculcate confidence about being able to handle certain things on their own.



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