Cross-border terrorism should be dealt with strictly

Update: 2019-02-26 05:35 IST

The statement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that country’s fight was for Kashmir and not against Kashmiris is marvellous and applaudable (Our fight is for Kashmir, not against Kashmiris, THI, Jan 24).

In fact, by paying lakhs of rupees as compensation or providing employment to the children of the deceased army personnel cannot reimburse the loss sustained to the bereaved family members, but, somehow, a help to their lives is a great act.


Here some people are breathing Indian air, eating India’s food and availing all the country’s resources, but praising Pakistan. Such people should be sent out of the country, if necessary. It seems after the Pulwama attack, there were instances that some attacks took place on Kashmiris.

It’s really unfortunate and regrettable and that Kashmiris are not others nor do our enemies and Kashmir is also part of our country. As such, as rightly opined by Modi, we are to be affectionate towards cause of their welfare and render our maximum help in respect of all the necessities. 

Here, the main issue of cross- border terrorism in Kashmir which we are highly concerned now is to be paid utmost concentration in resolving the issue. The point to be noticed here is that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is humanist and far better than earlier rulers who ruled in the past. Hence, I humbly appeal to Modi to hold bilateral negotiations with Pakistan and establish peace in the country. 

M Pradeep Kumar, Hyderabad



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