Summer-friendly decor

Update: 2018-05-06 06:07 IST

Lighten up
This summer make sure that the fabric of the sofa doesn’t stick to your body and is heat-proof. If you have dark sofas, consider throwing some lighter slipcovers on them, or get some lighter and brighter pillow covers. An ikat-patterned slipcover chair adds more interest to the room.

Paint a dark piece of furniture into a lighter or neutral shade. Invest in an outdoor furniture like a sunbed and a good quality patio furniture which comprises of chairs and coffee table.


Add some fresh bright curtains. If you want to keep out the hot summer sun use curtains instead of drapery. The material of drapery is heavy and dark whereas curtains are essential in blocking the afternoon hard-hitting heat. This summer go for bright and airy curtains and of neutral shades.

You don’t have to do all these things of course, but it always feels more like summer in the house when things are lightened up.

Add greenery
Whether you go faux or you get some real plants, adding greenery instantly gives summer vibes in a home. Indoor plants, flowers make your home look beautiful and smell aromatic. Plants like palms, orchids, ferns, etc purifies the air around you. Indoor plants will make your place more comfortable and luxurious.

Kid friendly 
Make summer time arts and crafts projects with seashells, pine cones, and nature inspired finds, which the kids can pick out. Their projects can turn into summer décor that you display proudly around your home. DIY artwork perfectly complements treasures like pitchers, bottles, sailboats and an old-school fan.

Summer up all your spaces
This may seem redundant, but there are so many ways to add summer to your spaces and it may be overwhelming. Here are some places to start: Add greenery to your coffee table, dining table and entryway table centrepieces. If you want to go crazy, add some fresh flowers in vases in all your rooms, honestly just that makes a room feel lighter, brighter and more inviting. 

Add a summer wreath to your doors, lighten up your furniture, add a summer quote to your gallery walls or chalkboards, add pops of white and bright colours to your rooms where you can and switch your cosy textiles like throw blankets and pillows for thinner and lighter fabrics. 

Add a potting bench or some flower pots to your outdoor spaces and freshen up your patios and porches just like the inside of your home. Just a few ways to make your home feel more like summer.



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