Fresh herbs in your kitchen

Update: 2018-07-29 05:30 IST

Whether you are short on space, lack direct sunlight, or live in a cold, challenging climate, there is a creative solution for a determined gardener to have easy access to fresh herbs all year long.

Tips for Growing Herbs in Containers

  • Select hardy varieties and companion-plant. Choose the herbs that you cook with the most frequently and try to find heirloom varieties whenever possible. My personal favourite herbs to grow indoors are basil, parsley, and rosemary.
  • Choose a sunny location. Again, light is key. Position your pots directly beneath your window to maximize sunlight effectiveness. Don't forget that pots can be moved around when seasons and light conditions shift. Remember to rotate your pots, so that your herbs don't become too "leggy."
  • Use a container with good drainage. Make sure that you choose pots with drains and saucers. If you only have a sealed pot, place rocks at the base and toss some vermiculite into the soil to aid with drainage.
  • Water and fertilize accordingly. Don't get overzealous. Keep a calendar, if you have trouble remembering when you watered last. Most plants die because of excessive attention, not the lack thereof.


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