Learning is a never ending process

Update: 2018-07-29 05:30 IST

What is a learning process in life? Are you satisfied with your learning?

Amazing truths are revealed when we come to terms to learn about our own selves. Whether it is our capabilities, our traits, our talents, our behaviours, our confrontations, our troubleshooting skills, our support systems enabling us to handle ample of stuff on our day to day routines or a one on situation for that matter, we all learn and exhibit our performances in every way to this world.


Is it a must to keep learning? 
They say, “If you are not moving you are dead.” If you are not learning you are not moving. If you are not making an effort to be a better human being or be better in skills of handling your life you are actually not learning or else not applying your learning. It is a must to keep learning in life to keep enhancing your living experience every moment.

How do you come to know you are progressing or learning and growing thereby?
A person who is progressing does not grow just by the capability of how much he earns or what designation he possesses but also his tenability to be a better human being. To be more aware of gaining in terms of thoughts and behaviours and exhibiting superior qualities than what he had yesterday. The way he used to handle people and events and the way he has learned to handle them effectively. 

The way he has been more compassionate toward others. The way he has become fairer and balanced by mind and behaviour for others; the way he has started treating others. There are varied indications which would replicate that the person has grown and evolved to be a better human being by the way he handles his anger and stress. It is a self-motivating and evolving process, which a person starts to feel more than others when he starts being more peaceful and happy.  

Does this learning help in your spiritual growth?
Yes, definitely! While a person is in the pure state of willingness to learn and grow he would also change his dimension of spiritual growth and would attract finer revelations. And needless to say, that a person who is growing spiritually is doing very well in terms of enhanced his existence and living. 

How to get inspired to learn more?
You can get inspired to learn more if you are able to see the immense benefits from that learning. You can see the abundant benefits of continuing to learn only if you are willing to question your present belief systems and your previous knowledge. Only if you are willing to challenge your present understanding and are open to new perspectives can you do justice to this open vista of the universe of wisdom which is waiting for you to make you experience its hidden wonders?

What can be the easiest way to learn more?
Once you feel that you have learned a few lessons about life, life offers you opportunities to share your knowledge with others so that you are ready to create some more space for new learning. 

It is not as simple as it is told. Most of us want to keep so much within ourselves and don’t feel like sharing it with others. More particularly wisdom which enhances our living must be shared so that we can help others also to take the benefit of that. 

Once you start sharing your bit you start gaining more in terms of revelations, knowledge, spiritual wisdom, thoughtful evolving, mindful awareness. The process of learning can be enjoyed only when it is shared because only then you will be able to see the finer details of its applications. 

Have you noticed that sometimes you are discussing some solutions with others and you suddenly realise that the same you should have applied too in other scenarios? 

You keep learning new applications, you revise your procedures, you correct your approaches, you enhance your understanding of the same topics of life which you previously used to handle differently. When you are new to knowledge, you need more time to produce it. But when you share it, you make it your character and it becomes effortless for you, so you save some more time and effort for more learnings in life. 

Your character starts truly replicating your learning when you apply them fully in life. This all and much more awaits you when you are on the path of learning because “It’s not about how much you have learnt that matters it’s about how much you are able to apply and benefit from the application of them.” 

By: Shachi Maheshwari
The writer is a motivational and transformation trainer, life coach and author.



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