8 Things That Define a Comfortable Bedroom

Update: 2018-04-06 00:00 IST

Comfort – as per the Oxford dictionary – is defined as, "A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint." Whenever you think of seeking comfort, the first and the most relatable image that comes to the mind is of a beautiful, cozy bedroom where you can leave all your troubles behind and experience peace and happiness after a hectic day.


However, turning that image into reality is far more complicated than it seems. You need to first understand the things that define a comfortable bedroom and then gather the resources to make your bedroom live up to that definition.

But who has the time to think that much in this fast-paced world? The question is quite right, but it has a solution too. With so many online portals telling you about millions of things, here is another one telling you about everything you need to know to make your bedroom better than it ever was. Go on with this 5 minute-read, and you will know it all.

A Good Mattress

It may not be wrong to say that a room without a comfortable mattress is no less than your dull office. Hence, a good mattress that gives you a blissful sleep is one of the most important characteristics of a comfortable room.

While choosing one, spend time in understanding its technology and extra benefits. Thanks to disruptive brands like Sunday Mattress, you even get a chance to take 100 nights trial if you feel confused about your decision to buy mattress online. Now isn't that something we all dream about?

A Plush Blanket

Curling up in a plush blanket is a must if you look for a heavenly comfort in your bedroom. Select one that is soft for the skin and matches up to the overall décor of your room.

Cuddle-Worthy Pillows

Another bedroom necessity that can enhance the comfort of your bedroom with their mere presence is a bunch of cuddle-worthy pillows. So, when you buy your mattress online, also purchase some fluffy pillows and say "hello" to a happy sleep. Dress them up in matching colors with the décor of the room to lift the comfort spirit to several notches.

Soft to Step Bedside Rugs

Nothing is better than the warm feeling of being adored by a luxuriously soft rug when you step of out your comfy bed after a peaceful sleep. Make sure the rug complements the colour of the curtains, is soft, plush and easy to wash.

Light for Every Mood

It is not just the sleeping pace that defines a comfortable bedroom; lighting also plays an essential role in providing a relaxing atmosphere. So, choose the light wisely as per the setting you want to create in your bedroom. To add a little bit of creativity while playing with your bedroom lighting, you can use pendant lighting and turn your room into heavenly abode.

An Airy Ambience

Get rid of all the clutter that makes your bedroom chaotic. Once you have rearranged everything, try utilising the empty spaces to hold articles that can lend an airy ambience to your room. It can be some fresh flowers or a traditional house plant that can add a touch of nature's beauty to your bedroom. You can even add a wind chime and sheer curtains to add to the feel.

Easy on The Eyes Wall Colours

If you are really serious about turning your bedroom into a tranquil dwelling, then changing the wall colours can be great investment. Strokes of eye-pleasing colours on the walls can work wonders and give you a sense of calmness.

A Reading Nook with Floor Cushions

All the book-lovers must jot this point in their checklist for making their room a far more comfortable place than it is. Making a special place with fluffy and cuddly cushions can take the interior aesthetics of the room to another level. A plush blanket and a small coffee table will not only add to the look but will also enhance the comfort factor.

Done reading? Then it is time to transform the look of your bedroom and make it a pleasant place for yourself.



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