Happy Birthday Google! Google Turns 23

Update: 2021-09-27 10:30 IST

Happy Birthday Google! Google Turns 23

We all know that Google started as a project by two Computer graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They worked out of their dorm rooms to build a search engine portal called Backrub. In these 23 years ever since Brin and Page outlined their vision for a search engine, the company has grown leaps and bounds.

Backrub was the idea that was developed into Google later. "We chose our systems name, Google, because it is a common spelling of googol, or 10100 and fits well with our goal of building very large-scale search engines," the students said.


Anyways Google doesn't have a birth certificate. However, Google celebrates its birth anniversary today, September 27 was not always its official birthday. Until 2005 it celebrated its birthday on September 7. But from 2005, it has rejoiced its birthday on September 8, September 26 and now freshly on September 27.

Today, Google is accessible across the world in more than 100 languages, answering trillions of search queries each year. The scale is enormous. We can't imagine ourselves without Google… Our life is incomplete. Thank you, Google! We wish you a happy birthday and stay blessed!



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