Everyone should know about Constitutional rights: Collector Divya Devarajan

Update: 2019-11-26 23:21 IST

Adilabad: Everyone should know the greatness of Constitution of India, stated District Collector Divya Devarajan while addressing the 70th Constitution Day celebration held at the Collector Conference Hall in Adilabad district on Tuesday.

He said that in our country different communities, people of different language and regions are living and everyone should know about the constitutional rights.


All the citizens of the country have social-economic and political rights besides freedom of expression and equality. They should also know about the national integration. We are following the constitution written by Dr BR Ambedkar. Joint Collector Sandhya Rani said that, "we have built a very large constitution and we have a secular, socialist, democratic republic.

The full the constitution was adopted on 26 January 1950, and everyone should be aware of the constitution. The officials paid rich floral tributes to Dr BR Ambedkar on the occasion.

District Revenue Officer Nataraj, Revenue Officer Suryanarayana, Administrative Officer Aravind Kumar, Collectorate Superindentent Prabhakar Swami, Varuna, Rajeshwar, Adilabad Urban tahsildar Bhojanna and others were present.



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