Government urged not to shift Ayurvedic hospital from Charminar

Update: 2019-07-26 02:23 IST

Hyderabad: BJP on Thursday urged the government to drop the plan of shifting the Ayurvedic hospital in Charminar since residents of the Old City heavily depend on the facility for many years.

A delegation led by senior BJP leader Bandaru Dattatreya submitted a representation to Health Minister Eatala Rajender stating that the Government Ayurvedic Hospital, Charminar has been functioning on the premises of Nizamia Tibbi College for more than 50 years.


The hospital was established along with the Unani hospital which is catering to the needs of the poor people. Particularly, the people of Hyderabad are more dependent on the services provided by this Ayurvedic Hospital which has acquired significance in Telangana for the treatments offered for chronic diseases like paralysis, joint pains and many neurological diseases.

Many women patients are facilitated with the specialty treatment for diseases like Panchakarma, physiotherapy and other minor and major procedures specific to them.

However, now the State government is planning to shift the same to Erragadda where already an Ayurvedic hospital is existing with an attached Ayurvedic College for the last 15 years.

Shifting the hospital from Charminar to Erragadda would only deprive the facility to the needy and poor living in in the Old city, they said. 



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