Hyderabad: City Locks Itself Down

Update: 2020-03-22 22:44 IST
Deserted National Highway at Madinaguda on Sunday

Hyderabad: The twin cities came to a grinding halt. Literally! All establishments were closed and people including the young and the old decided to stay indoors. The roads wore a deserted look with just policemen standing at junctions.

People who made it onto the streets and who could not provide a valid reason were given placards and made to stand for a while and later let off. The placards read: Stay at home, be safe. In a few instances, youngsters riding triple were caught and made aware how detrimental it could be.


A few who tried to buy vegetables, milk and meat products had to return disappointed as the small-time stores even in the by lanes were shut. In a few remote colonies, far away from the glare of policemen, a few adventurous youngsters tried their hand at 'gully cricket'.

"Never have I witnessed such a massive lockdown. This shows people care," said S N Maheshwar, a retired Postal Service officer. Right after 5 pm, thousands clapped loudly, cheering the efforts of all those involved in containing the deadly virus which is shaking the humanity the world over. The Prime Minister had asked people to show solidarity with doctors, nurses, paramedics, municipal staff and others for going out on their balconies or standing at their doors and windows and clap. In a few colonies and apartments, people came up with ingenious ways of clapping by using utensils.

Rekha, a housewife said, "This is the first time that my husband is spending so much time at home. The children are delighted." Social media was awash with memes on husband jokes as well. On Saturday, groceries flew off the shelves in supermarkets as people made a beeline.

In Chintal, the wine shops were flooded as men jostled to grab space to purchase alcohol. By late evening, when the news of the lockdown being extended till March 31, the discussion in every household veered around how to manage groceries, essential items and petrol. 

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