Hyderabad: Domestic violence & dowry cases on a steady rise in the city

Update: 2019-11-01 23:31 IST

Hyderabad: There has been a steady rise in the number of domestic violence and dowry harassment cases in the city. In 2018, 27 cases were filed with the Women's Commission but this year the number has increased manifold. Till date, 62 cases have been filed out of which 18 cases were filed under domestic violence and dowry harassment.

Stressing the need for a strict law against domestic violence and dowry harassment, P Sunanda, Secretary of State Women's Commission, said, "The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, is enacted to protect women from domestic violence. However, not many women are aware of this law and how to approach the officials in such cases. Awareness is the need of the hour in the State and city."


Further, she said, "Hyderabad is a developed city compared to other districts, women residing here are more aware and are raising their voice in open against such instances."

Although laws against dowry and domestic violence has been in effect for decades in India but have been largely criticised by everyone for being ineffective. Dowry deaths, murders and domestic violence continues to take place unchecked in many parts of the State and country and this has further added to the concerns of enforcement.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Domestic violence under the Act includes actual abuse or threat of abuse whether physical, sexual, verbal, emotional or economic. Harassment by way of unlawful dowry demands to the woman or her relatives would also be covered under this definition.

SC judgment clarifies on legal definition of dowry

As per Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code the bridegroom and his family will be automatically arrested if a wife complains of dowry harassment. Allegedly, with the law being widely abused, in 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that arrests can only be made only with a magistrate's approval.



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