Hyderabad: Minister Indrakaran Reddy asks citizens to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, Muharram at home

Update: 2020-08-16 23:41 IST

Minister Indrakaran Reddy

Hyderabad: Endowments Minister A Indrakaran Reddy on Sunday asked people of the State to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi and Muharram at their homes avoiding mass gatherings in wake of Covid pandemic.

Talking to the media here after reviewing the department, the Endowments Minister said the State government has decided to keep the ensuing Ganesh Chaturthi and Moharram simple.


He called upon the devotees to celebrate the festival in their homes without having mass gatherings, prayers and immersions. The Minister said that the government would ensure there is no inconvenience to the people celebrating the festival at their homes by following the rules. He called upon the people to follow the rules and guidelines in wake of corona. As per the rules, maintaining physical distancing, wearing masks is mandatory and people should also support the government during the pandemic, said Indrakaran Reddy. 



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