Hyderabad: Round-table calls for student union elections in Osmania University

Update: 2020-03-12 01:07 IST

Osmania University: Progressive Democratic Students Union (PDSU) organised a round-table on importance of student union elections here on Wednesday.

Professors Dr Konda Nageshwar Rao and Dr Gali Vinod Kumar said student union elections were necessary for comprehensive debating on issues from black board to border. They said policy decision should be made in assembly on student union elections.


PDSU OU president Sumanth said quality leadership would emerge from student union elections at the university level. He explained how central universities conduct elections. He said it was futile to organise mock parliament while not conducting elections. Law and order was a lame excuse for not conducting the elections, he added.

PDSU state vice president S Nageshwar Rao, OU General secretary Jyothi, former state leader Rajender, K Srinivas (AISF), DS Badri, Ravi (SFI), N Ramesh (Vidhyarythi Jana Samithi) and Sharath (Girijana Sakthi) were other speakers.

PDSU OU vice president Ramesh, Suverna, joint secretaries Mahesh, Venkatesh, treasurer Badri, OU Committee leaders Sinduja, Ramesh, Venkatesh, Shiva Raj, Madhu, Sai, Harish, Naresh, Venkata Ramana, Jawed, Vikram, Bhargav and others were present.



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