Hyderabad: Shivrampally park gets fresh lease of life

Update: 2020-07-08 01:20 IST

Shivrampally park gets fresh lease of life

Hyderabad: The rejuvenation makeover of HMDA Park at Shivrampally from wearing a deserted look to a serene public garden has finally been completed after almost a year. The issue of neglect by the officials resulting in locals avoiding the park was highlighted by Hans India in a report published on June 18, 2019.

"We have planted 32 variety of saplings in the Park to give a serene green ambience for the visitors. The plants include calypha Noda, Acalypha Green, Astra, Tecoma Allamanda, Iris flower, Golden Duranta, Hemeli Pittance, Lantana, Lavender, Gulphimia, Spider Lily, Table Rose ( Yellow and Red), Nandivardhan, Tecoma Capensis, Minerva, Temple Tree, Bougainvillea, Nerium, Pandanus, Hartikka, and Singapore Ixora, informed Sri Ramulu, supervisor of the park.


Besides this, he said, some avenue plantations like Tabebuia Hollonda, Tabubia Rozea, Mahogany, Bottlebrush, Sapahodea, Begonia, Foxtail Fern, Ficus Blackiana, Ficus Ponda, Pagoda and Jamun were also planted.

"The compound wall that was damaged at three locations was also reconstructed and whitewashed both inside and outside. Though the park is ready to welcome the visitors, the official re-opening would take place after the government lifts the ban on public gatherings imposed to curtail the Covid pandemic," informed another official.

"In the last one year, the officials had to work through several roadblocks and hurdles to ensure that the park gets back to its past glory. Once a desolated park has now been turned into a serene green expanse which would surely amuse the visitors. However, the GHMC should take care of the adjacent road which reeks with unattended heaps of garbage," said Syed Shoukat Ali, a social activist.





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